Bless the Harts Wiki

General Information

Title: Bless the Harts
Studio: 20th Century Fox Television; Lord-Miller Productions; Titmouse, Inc.; Fox Entertainment
Release Date: 2019-present
Length: 22 minutes per episode
Description: Bless the Harts is an American animated sitcom featuring a family that pokes fun of Southern-American lifestyle. Common settings in the show include, but are not limited to, the house, the Mega-Lo-Mart, The Last Supper, and various other places.
Main Characters: The series has a wide ensemble and variety of main and recurring characters. Jenny Hart, Betty Hart, Violet Hart, and Wayne Edwards consist of the main characters. Recurring characters include Jesus Christ, Louise, Brenda, Randy, Leonard, and David.
Similar Shows: King of the Hill
Availability: Hulu, FOXNOW

Content Information

Rating: TV-14 (DLSV or any combination of the four or none at all); D (suggestive dialogue); L (suggestive language); S (suggestive sexual scenes); V (violence)
Content Labels: Bless the Harts is rated TV-14. Because of this, it is generally not recommended for audiences under the targetted age. It is recommended for audiences under the targetted age to see the show with an adult. There is a "Viewer discretion is advised" (same as Family Guy) warning before each run on FOX.
Violence: Violence is minimal. Mostly related to town fires or light slapstick.
Language: Bless the Harts is TV-14. Damn, hell, bastard, ass, and the occasional bitch may be used. In the episode "Trash Twins", Betty uses the word "motherfucking" (censored out).
Sexual Themes and Nudity: Characters can seem oversexualized in their appearance. Sexual themes are mild to moderate. There is no nudity. The show refers to innuendo to convey sexual themes.
Drugs and Alcohol: Betty frequently drinks wine and sometimes smokes cigarettes. There are references to beer and hard liquor in the show.
Gambling: Some characters are seen betting and card playing.
Positive Messages and Role Modeling: The family may have their flaws, but in the end, they'll always love each other. Continuity is limited in Bless the Harts, so something learned in one episode can be forgotten in the next.
Crude Humor or Comic Mischief: There is crude humor because the show is based in the south. Some name calling.